
Customer Testimonials

Want to be added to our customer Look Book? It’s easy! Just email us your photo and a note with your name, event and permission to use your photo. We’d love to see how great you look in your dress from dressestylsit.

We had our wedding on the 20th of January this year and it was a wonderful day! I looked stunning in the dress from you! I was so excited about my amazing wedding gown and told everyone. The dress matched perfect with my eyes, hair, flowers.

Thanks for the great service and the beautiful wedding dress!! Keep up the good work!

–Cora van Damp, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

My wedding dress was amazing and you were great to work with…I have actually recommended you to a number of brides since my big day, so hopefully they have or will purchase their dream dresses from you. Keep up the good work and thanks again for selling my dream gown to me!!!!!!

–Claire J. Mon

Hi everyone 🙂 i really want to thank dressestylist.com for the most amazing dress!! The delivery was also sooooo fast and the fabric is so exquisite!

–Nadja S.

Thank you so much for all your patience and help. The dress is perfect and made my day wonderful! Thank you once again. I would recommend your service to everyone. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

–Maria. Bay

I just wanted to let you know how pretty the dress is! I took it to a seamstress this morning to try it on and it is FABULOUS! I love it! Thank you for helping me find my cute dress! I will recommend you to every bride I know!

–Laura Ransome. Portland, OR

I can’t thank you enough for enabling my girl to complete in her first pageant in such a gorgeous but affordable gown! And she did very well! Will be back soon for another beautiful dress!

–Lynette from N. Menconi, Aurora, Illinois

Love my dress! The beading is beautiful, the dress feels great! Thank you for the beautiful dress to make my prom wonderful!

–Melissa Posa, NY